I decided to make sketches of phallic and yonic imagery
found in the urban environment based on what I would come across on a day to
day basis, so I chose to sketch the imagery found on the walk from my flat to
the art studios. The sketches depict phallic imagery most commonly found in
structural objects, such as columns and barriers. It was also noted a lack of
yonic imagery in the urban environment, with the few examples from this journey
being an electric fan and a modern street light. Of course it must be
considered the practicality of the long cylinder shape in architecture as
opposed to a triangular shape at supporting the weight of a structure, hence
the reflection of more phallic imagery than yonic found in the urban
It is also interesting to consider peoples understanding of
phallic and yonic imagery. Whilst in general conversation with peers, it was
often noted that many had heard of ‘phallic’ but none had heard of the female
counter part ‘yonic’. This idea is something I would like to build on in my
proposal project, raising awareness of the word yonic and its meaning.