- W.B Yeats says there are two subjects for art- sex and death.
- Symbolism and imagery prominent in the film, eg coffee and ice cream is the first time of pleasurable sensation in the film.
- Under reactions, understated film with internalised emotion; importance of understating in art- was considered an unnatural reaction to death.
- Narrative created through constant blue colour- in swimming pool scene children jump in pool wearing red and white- importance of colour.
- Kept the blue chandelier as a symbol of freedom.
- Cinema doesn't reflect the way we react it teaches us- we learn patterns of behavior.
- Connections between new life of isolation and old life through music.
- Follows fairytale narrative: death, trial, rebirth.
- Film is disorientating, reflects the disorientation of grieving, the film embodies the grief.
- Can reference films as well as text in art.
Thursday, 5 March 2015
Mary O'Neill Seminar
How could film change the way you work?